Monday, December 15, 2014

ZALU minutes for Oct. 8 and Nov. 12, 2014

Minutes of Nov. 12, 2014 meeting of the Old Louisville Zoning and Land Use Committee [ZALU]
(November Minutes approved for publication at Dec. 10, 2014 ZALU meeting.)
Regular monthly public meetings are scheduled on second Wednesday of each month.
Location: Old Louisville Information Center, Central Park

ABSENT: Chuck Anderson,
DEBORAH BILITSKI (Wyatt, Tarrant and Combs) for Clariant Corporation

Called to order by acting chair, Bob Bajandas,  at 7:05 p.m.

I   New business: one item.  Presentation by attorney and representatives for Clariant Corporation
Informational only, no action being requested of ZALU.
Subject:  modification of conditional use permit, which was approved last year by BOZA; to allow a Chemical Catalyst Manufacturing Facility; a new plant storage warehouse, between 11th and 12th, Wilson and Ormsby, not within Old Louisville boundaries.

Modifications to previously approved CUP:
Rail spur into facility, in original plans, has been dropped from plans.
Additions: 10,000 sq ft warehouse and Small pump house.& variance to allow set back from street.
Other than these changes, plans are the same.

Clariant Corp., continued.
Subject site described as vacant lot. Street trees to be added in the public right of way.

Questions from ZALU:
Purpose of pump house? A: Fire water protection
Will the water used in processing chemicals tie into the sewer system? 
     A: on site waste water treatment plant, then treated water discharges to MSD.
     A: all rain water from site runs to a retention pond for filtering into soil
     A:  basin reservoirs for fire water protection
Is fire protection equipment on site?  A: yes
What is the product of the company? A: Chemical manufacturing/processing
How many employees? 400 employees on subject site
What will be stored in warehouse? A: Magnesium chloride (salt type)
How much truck traffic? A:  10 trucks per month
What is current zoning. A: EZ1 Hazardous and objectionable use category
What about airborne odors? A: all EPA standards have been met.

Old business: one item
Property at 944 S. 6th Newman Spring Co.  Report by Stephen Peterson.
Metro Planning Staff determined that NCRs were lost.
NCRs case be appealed to BOZA on upcoming Monday 11/?
Metro Planning staff report will be circulated by email to all ZALU members for review in order to develop, propose, and come to a consensus on a position that ZALU could take. If approved by vote, the position would be put into a letter to be sent to BOZA. Other action may be determined once staff report is available.
Position that ZALU may take may be one or the other of the following propositions:
1) that ZALU support the Planning staff's 2007 determination that NCRs were lost, or
2) support the appellant's claim that Nonconforming use was continuously maintained 
Noted that appellant did not come to the OLNC or ZALU.

Adjourned at 7:30 p.m.

Minutes recorded by CTWhite. Published at

October 8, 2014  meeting of Old Louisville Zoning and Land Use Committee [ZALU]
(October Minutes approved for publication at Dec. 10, 2014 ZALU meeting.)
Regular monthly public meetings are scheduled on second Wednesday of each month.
Location: Old Louisville Information Center, Central Park
Called to order at 7:05 PM.

Attending members: Chuck Anderson, ZALU chair; Leah Stewart; Joe Impellizzeri;  Bob Bajandas;  Christopher White; Stephen Peterson; Mary Martin;  Howard Rosenberg (ex officio)
Absent: Erin Lee;  Lira Johnson;
Guests: Gary Kleier
Quorum: Yes

Called to order at 7:05 p.m.

I.  September minutes submitted  for approval. Changes discussed and agreed upon. Shall read: “1031 S. 6th:  Question  was raised as to the status of its mapping change.”  MSV Unanimous approval with revision. 

II. Realtor Letter.
Mary reports. Letter should come in three different forms, one for each neighborhood zoning sector, with specific information for a property listing relevent to each sector.  Mary will do a mock-up of the letters and have them sent out to all ZALU committees. Distribution to realtors will most likely be via email.  At this point, we presume that  David Williams of the OL Information Center will handle the emailing. Mary is thanked for her work on this matter.

III. OLNC motion to change the permitted uses for all commercial properties in the TNZD to match the list of permitted uses in the C2 or Commercial District zone as given in the Metro Land Development Code, Chp. 2.4.1. Chuck leads discussion among ZALU committee members.

IV. Old Business
A.       OLNC approved by motion and vote the ZALU proposal to send a letter to Councilman James supporting Councilwoman Hamilton’s call for a moratorium on new transitional housing in her district and the conducting of a study into how zoning codes inhibit or enable such housing. White reports that the OLNC motion reads: ZALU moves to have OLNC write and send a letter to Councilman David James supporting a 12-month moratorium in Chickasaw and Shawnee Park neighboroods that specifically tartets new construction and establishment of boarding and loding houses while also conducting a study of the zoning effects on and lack of controls over boarding and lodging houses. (Copied from the September 23, 2014 OLNC minutes.)

B.       Property at 109 W. Ormsby. Report by White. Enlargement of nonconforming use case going to district court.
Will continue to watch the property and the court case.

Adjourned at: 8:20 p.m.

Minutes recorded by CTWhite. Published at