Thursday, August 14, 2014

ZALU Minutes of July 9, 2014

Zoning and Land Use Committee [ZALU] of the Old Louisville Neighborhood Council 
Minutes of the ZALU regular monthly public meeting of 7/9/14 (approved on Aug. 13, 2014)
Location: Old Louisville Information Center

Attendance: Chuck Anderson, Chairman;  Erin Lee; Lira Johnson; Mary Martin; 
Stephen Peterson;  Leah Stewart; Christopher White.  

Joseph Impellizzeri (excused absence); Bob Bajandas.

Quorum: √

Guests: none

Called to order: 7:05p 

Summary of actions: 
M/S/V* on ZALU June 11 meeting minutes.
M/S/V on proposal to send OLNC a request for action on a Boarding house issue.

Order of business:
1. June 11, 2014 Minutes approved. Vote unanimous.

2.  Reports by Chuck Anderson: 
A. OLNC approval of the ZALU Charter with amendments was given at June 24 OLNC meeting.

B.  Subject: Metro CW Hamilton's moratorium on rooming / boarding / lodging houses and transitional housing:
Motion to have OLNC write and send a letter to CM James supporting the idea of:
  1) a moratorium that specifically targets boarding and lodging houses
  2) a study of the zoning effects and lack of controls on boarding and lodging houses
Q: Can letter include our hope that licensing is enforced?
Q: How can they enforce a moratorium on something they don't control?
Q: Is CM Hamilton merging definitions of rooming houses and transition houses?
M/S/V-Approved. Vote unanimous.

3. Old business
Case Z-14-03
1444 S. 2nd. White reports. Gives specs on the staff determination for nonconforming rights as a triplet.[triplex]
House still has four working meters which will be used to show the intention of the previous owner to maintain the nonconforming use. Not a winnable case.
Far and better way with this case is for PIC or SSNA to pursue its fire and safety issues.

Case Z-14-04
944 S. 6th. Peterson reports on Newman Spring Company building.
Current use since 9/2012:  storage space. Described as big garage, a "Non-contributing structure." Property reverted to a single-family "as mapped" status back in 2007.
Cabbage Patch rents storage space on property.
Discussion:  Comparison made to The Vault @ 1031 S. 6th. Bajandas letter cited.
Three problems here
1) nonconforming use continues as a problem for a residential development and character.
2) problem of reverting to residential. Who would develop such a building?
3) property upkeep & Health Dept. issues could be addressed by MetroCall complaints/service requests.
4) it is not felt to require ZALU action, but [however] Peterson could initiate actions and report back.

Other issues:
1379 S Brook(?) -2nd house North of Magnolia on east side.  What's going on, Lira asks?
What about dumpster on street? Where is permit info found? Is it a single or multi-family?  Where is this information? White will send Johnson URL for IPLCIS database.
For reference: see attached information sheets on subject property - 1379 S. Brook:
  a) PVA page
  b) Lojic map
  c) IPLCIS Permit page indicating single family classification
  d) IPLCIS IPL inspections record for 2014

1339 S. Floyd. What's going on? Mary Martin reports. It looks abandoned. Accumulated tree limb debris. 
If the mailman goes up to property, Mary says: "I'd be shocked".
Is it IPL issue? Is it vacant? 

4. New business:
A. Presentation on multiple definitions of abandonment. White reported.
History: ZALU has talked in years past about working to get some language changed 
in either Metro codes or Kentucky statutes, the latter being the more difficult.
Discussion points to a need for ZALU to distill its concerns/goals and take to CM James.  Where in the codes is the specific problem, what do we want done, what is the process, and what can actually get done? Bajandas email from earlier on July 9 read.

  1) White asks that ZALU dedicate part of the next several meetings toward this effort. He will work with Bajandas & Stewart on the abandonment and nonconformance issue and report back at July meeting.
  2) Send spreadsheet & compilation of the multiple definitions and indicators of abandonment to Jeanna Dunlop and Mary McGuire, also Mike Hill.  Include a thanks to Jeana & Mary for their ZALU presentation in May. [June]
Just ask Hill to review documents.

B. Lira Johnson reported on how other cities require recording when properties remodeled,
when ownership changes, and with new leases. Will summarize the models.
Lira will study and report back to ZALU in July [August] on Federal definition of family.

C.  Mary talked about the PVA classification being another source of confusing
language and property classifications.

5. Summary of the individual tasks of various ZALU committee members for the coming period.  
Approved version of ZALU charter needs to be sent to ZALU members.

Adjourned 8:35 p.m.
Next meeting: Aug. 13, 2014

Minutes kept by CTWhite