Minutes for March 11, 2015 meeting of Old Louisville Zoning and Land Use Committee [ZALU].
(Approved on 4.16.15 by a vote of ZALU committee members.)
(Approved on 4.16.15 by a vote of ZALU committee members.)
Regular public meetings are held on second Wednesday of each
Location: Historic Old Louisville Information Center,
Central Park.
Attending ZALU Committee members: Chuck Anderson, ZALU chair;
Leah Stewart, Bob Bajandas,
Christopher White, Lira Johnson, Stephen Peterson, Mary Martin.
Absent: Joe Impellizzeri, Erinn Lee.
Guests: None Other attendees:
Quorum: Yes
Called to order at 7:00 p.m.
I [7:02p] February 2015 minutes submitted for review. MSV. Approved unaninmously without changes.
II. Old Business
Center project: Bajandas reports on the letter he drafted and sent to the
[7:03 p.m.] The letter in support of the
Edison Center project was changed from its original first draft. The revision
drops language pertaining to hazardous materials because, given that the Center
is committed as office space for the next 15 years and there were so many uses
allowed in EZ1 zoning that were as or more objectionable than hazardous
materials, and more likely to happen (for example: plasma centers and shooting
ranges,) it did not make sense to focus on hazardous materials.
[7:04 p.m.] Bajandas contacted the
developer and raised the issue of an unsightly and unfriendly looking chain
link fence appearing in the latest edition of the site plan but which had not
appeared on the previous edition of the plan. The developer responded that the
fence is a requirement of the
restrictions on the site by the current deed; Bajandas confirmed that the deed
so expressed this condition “in order to prevent unathorized access to the
property”. Stewart pointed out that if the developer wants to, a deed
restriction can be lifted by the BOZA.
Question: Is fencing a zoning issue?
Answer: yes, it is first a zoning issue before it is a PIC issue. The developer
is pleased with the ZALU letter of support and its two expressed points. No
further action needed at this time.
B. [7:11 p.m.] Letter to attorney Steve
Porter. Subject: OLNC participation as a party in a lawsuit against Metro
Planning Commission. See ZALU motion of 1/14/15. Anderson reports. Letter sent.
At this time, no reply yet received from Porter. No action until Porter
C. [7:12:40 p.m.] Outstanding property
or zoning cases
S. Brook: Johnson updates on current conditions. Recent eviction of resident.
Contractor on site said building to be gutted prior to development. Three
meters seen by Johnson. Nothing going on. Will monitor.
dumpsters and permits. Dumpsters on or crossing the public right of way require
a Metro permit.
W. St. Catherine: Peterson reports. Status: single family. Recently foreclosed.
Under contract for sale. Appears abandoned and vandalized. Four meters on
structure. Monitor and watch for permits being issued.
[7:23:40 p.m.] White asks about the current regulations on flashing or moving
image signs in the TNZD? Anderson reports: review of signage in the TNZD is
going to be a part of a resolution being put together by Metro Council for the
Planning Commission. The OLNC had voted in 2014 to eliminate the signage
regulations of the LDC Appendix 2b section 2.9 and that “Signage within the Traditional Neighborhood Zoning District
shall comply with Landmark Design Guidelines and the Traditional Neighborhood
Form District. Where there is a
conflict, the latest version of Landmark Design Guidelines shall govern.”[OLNC
document “Signage Request” 3.20.2014. (Author?)]. Discussion continued on the particular issue of
flashing signs hung on the inside of windows. Many contradictory understandings
and opinions expressed by ZALU on definition of signs. No agreement reached.
Anderson will send ZALU members the OLNC request for changes to signage regs.
E.[7:30:10 p.m.]
Informational letter to Realtors of new listings. Anderson reports. Martin
objects to the idea of sending the letter selectively to realtors and asserts
that documentation needs to be assembled and kept at the OLIC that shows that
all of the realtors have been notified, that the letter has been sent to all,
and the letter goes via email with a copy of the listing which will describe
the status of the property as single or multi etc. If there is a question or a
dispute about whether a property is listed correctly then further action by
ZALU may be initiated. The OLIC administrator (David Williams) will need a TNZD
map with neighborhood components and street addresses. It is likely that at
least three letters will be needed to match the multiple use groups in the
neighborhood. Must get the appropriate number of letters done immediately.
Anderson will get/print the so-described TNZD map.
Adjourned at 7:55:25 p.m. Minutes
recorded by CTWhite